Is it right for me? Your most common questions answered.


Is it right for me? Your most common questions answered.


There are many valid reasons, why, wanting to start HRT after your menopause, has become a more alluring option but, you are curious and also worried you have missed your window of opportunity?………..Let’s chat!

There’s been growing buzz around HRT in recent years, but still many questions remain.

A common question is ‘Can I start HRT after my menopause?’ – The simple answer is ‘Yes’ – HRT isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but, it can help manage intrusive symptoms which often persist well beyond the single day that is your menopause.

There are some key considerations for HRT in post menopause and I share with you the KEY ACTIONS to consider. All of which will guide, inform and support you through your decision to start HRT in post menopause and ensure you get to live your healthiest, happiest and most vibrant, rest of your life.

  • Book an appointment with your GP or a menopause medical healthcare provider.

    It is crucial to get a proper evaluation of where you are at with your menopause and your physical health, and, someone who can help evaluate your individualised, personal risks, the benefits, and explain all treatment options available to YOU.

  • Book a double appointment and begin to log any symptoms.

    Should you choose your regular GP then book a double appointment, as a single appointment is not enough time for you to explain how you are feeling and your reasons for wanting to start HRT.

  • Prepare for your appointment.

    Start tracking your symptoms now as this will give you a greater understanding of what you are experiencing . Take it to your appointment, which will also help your GP have a greater understanding of how to help you.

    Seeking the support of your menopause medical healthcare provider is essential, but ultimately, you get to be the decision-maker about what’s right for you.d your reasons for wanting to start HRT.


Your HRT experience has been incredible for you so far.

It has smoothed out the bumps in your menopause journey and helped you feel more like the vibrant, happy and well woman that you were in the past.

So, just when you thought your HRT had mastered it, it becomes tricky and frustrating to know how well it’s still working when symptoms resurface and you feel you are taking a step back in time.

Maybe your mood swings and achy joints return and you feel anxious, low and exhausted?

Brain fog has set in, leaving you fuzzy, forgetful and unable to focus once more?

Remember that your decision to begin HRT was a personal one which felt right for you and therefore, you need tobe your own advocate when it comes to your HRT experience over time.

Here are my TOP 2, next steps – to take and help ensure you receive the maximum health and wellbeing benefits of HRT in post menopause.

  • Visit your GP or menopause medical health provider to review your current formula and the dose.

    One or both may well need adjusting to your post menopause wants and needs. Be sure to have a health check too. The way you feel may not be down to the HRT.

  • Check in with your current lifestyle. Are you living your healthiest life?

    Weight gain, poor dietary habits, lack of daily movement, increased alcohol consumption and stress can exacerbate symptoms.

    Recognising and addressing these areas of your lifestyle will greatly improve these symptoms and your health status.

    It is only fair to let you know, that for HRT to work in full and provide the most impactful benefits for the way you feel and your future health – a healthy diet and lifestyle will provide the key foundation for living well through post menopause in every way.

    Simply increasing your HRT will not.


HRT can be incredible!

Boosting your hormones back up, it can tackle post menopausal symptoms like a symphony of relief in a world of chaos.

But if it stops working, symptoms are leaking through, or you’re not sure HRT is for you after all, does that mean you’re sentenced to living with difficult symptoms for the rest of your life?


HRT is just one part of the post menopause jigsaw and the only way to have a happy and healthy post menopause life in full is to complete the puzzle.

That means, even if you’re taking HRT, you need to look at all the different pieces.

It just takes a different, more holistic, post menopause friendly, approach to managing symptoms, with 3 key lifestyle changes at the centre.

Diet & Weight Management:

Check in with your diet, work on cleaning it up by eating more fresh whole, menopause friendly, nourishing foods and crowding out highly processed , calorie dense, damaging fats and sugars – while tackling the belly fat.

Exercise & Strengthening:

Aid fat loss, keep your heart healthy and strengthen your bones with regular cardio and strengthening exercise.

Lifestyle & Wellness:

Look after your emotional wellbeing by managing stress, building positive connections, and sleeping well.

As a certified post menopause coach, I can help you figure out your own jigsaw. We put the pieces together, and I provide free, valuable, advice and guidance throughout my many platforms.

Get in touch if you have any burning questions about HRT.
I am here to help!

Di x

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